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Symphonia Harmonia and Calestrium Revelationum

Verantwortlicher Autor: Nadejda Komendantova Vienna, 03.07.2019, 09:10 Uhr
Presse-Ressort von: Dr. Nadejda Komendantova Bericht 4438x gelesen

Vienna [ENA] The concert and performance called "Simophia Harmonia and Calestrium Revelationum" took place in frames of the Vienna Fest Weeks (Wiener Fest Wochen) in Vienna in the period between the 29th of May and the 2nd of June. It included the work of two artists: Francois Chaignaud and Marie-Pierre Brebant. This was fascinating meditative performance in an innovative technic.

The concert and performance called "Simophia Harmonia and Calestrium Revelationum" took place during the Vienna Fest Weeks (Wiener Fest Wochen) in Vienna in the period between the 29th of May and the 2nd of June. It was based on the work of two artists: Francois Chaignaud and Marie-Pierre Brebant. The fascinating meditative performance in an innovative technic provided participants with an opportunity to meditate, to listen, to dream, to sense, to feel and to be inspired, following the hypnotic movements of Francois, combined with his singing of chorals from medial ages and Renaissance music performed by Marie-Pierre. The performance activated all channels of feelings, it was a reflection of existence with its exaltations and angers.

The performance was built on the works of Hildegard von Bingen, a mysterious person from the 12th century, who was the nun, the botanist, the visionary and the musician. Francois and Marie-Pierre guided spectators through the beauty and mystery of the work of Hildegard. For this performance they carefully studied two twelfth - century manuscripts with the music of Hildegard. The discovered in her work ornaments and melismas, which are the ornamental phrases of several notes, allowed Francois and Marie-Pierre to recreate the rural magical world of the 12th century, filled with sounds and songs, interspersed with Orphic links and filled with cosmic aromas, monastic rules, renunciation and ambitions.

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